Monday, April 11, 2016

Making it work

Idle Spurs Steakhouse
We utilize a lot of info from fellow RVers when planning camp spots along our journey. There are many on-line guides with good info. Today we headed toward Barstow, CA with the plan to camp on BLM land just outside of town. The road described as good in the guide must have been washed out recently, and we found ourselves in another "pickle". As I am backing Biggie Moms up over a small ridge I notice Annette and Lynn flinging boulders out of the way. Ha ha!!! We were able to out unscathed. Once turned around Annette started looking up info on a new spot. Using the Trails End guide available through the Escapees RV club we found a great spot at the Idle Spurs Steakhouse. They offer one free night in a little gravel parking lot next to the restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant is closed on Mondays or we could have had steak with that " pickle". He he!!