Thursday, December 3, 2015

In a Pickle


Well we got ourselves " in a pickle" last night. We were planning to camp at Amistad NRA in Del Rio, Texas. We began driving down the road to what we believed was the campground and suddenly the road went straight into the water. There was a small area to attempt a turn around but two cars were parked there. To back out was about a mile. So we decided to stay the night and wait until daylight. We spent the night a little stressed and not sleeping much. We began discussing where the saying " in a pickle" originated. (I still need to look that up). Anyway the next morning we were able to back Biggie Moms out of a tight spot. Annette had to use all of her strength to hold branches away from the truck and then a diving lunge at the last minute to bend a metal fence post that was threatening to catch the ladder and rip it off. He he Whew!! What an adventure!!!

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