Monday, December 28, 2015

Workouts on the Road

Workouts on the Road

Kristy Working out/Gilbert Ray Campground
When we decided to fulltime RV we knew that leaving behind the Y and our exercise routines would be hard. After being YMCA members for 25 years, working out is part of our daily life. For years, we arrived at the Y at 5 a.m. to lift weights, join a spin class or put in miles on the stair stepper. We created an early morning community of fellow early birds and built some great relationships. Saying goodbye to Y friends and ending our membership was sad, but something we had to do to be fulltime RVers.

Working out at Gilbert Ray campgroung/ Tucson
 We knew we needed to create a way to integrate our workouts into our daily life on the road. Cardio workouts are easy as we love to walk, hike, kayak and bike, but a portable strength training routine is a bit more difficult. We decided to bring along some exercise mats, an exercise ball, a half dome, assorted dumbbells and a kettlebell set. So far, we have been pretty faithful at sticking with our workout routines. We cycle through three basic routines, chest and triceps, back and biceps, and shoulders and legs. When it’s possible we enjoy being able to set up our equipment outside, but we also make it work inside when the weather is not favorable. Our physical fitness goal is to stay strong, stay flexible, and keep moving for the rest of our lives.      

Annette and Shug working out/ Pueblo Reservoir, CO

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